INTERACT.             EQUIP.               DISCIPLE.

Here at ROC the next generation is extremely important to us. We want to develop each youth to be leaders. We want to make them disciples who makes disciples. Along the way we also like to have fun as well. From time to time we will have monthly Friday Youth Night where we play dodgeball, games, nerf night and etc. We go on trips and different retreats as well throughout the year. We meet every week on Wednesday Nights from 6:45PM-8:00PM. Please take a look below for all upcoming events for the youth and if you have any questions regarding our youth program please fill out the contact form below.


Another Youth Night is upon us!!! You will not want to miss this Youth Night!! There will be an awesome Scavenger Hunt and food!!!  Please see the flyer to the right and don't forget to click on the Register Here button to register for this FREE EVENT!!


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